miercuri, 28 ianuarie 2009

Psychological Testing

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Introduction to this Website
Psychological Testing

Page Contents: Background / Types of Psychological Tests / Justifications for Using Tests / Validity and Reliability / “Stretching” Validity: The MMPI and Occupational Testing / Lie Detection / Science and Pseudoscience / Cautions / Your Rights

Psychological tests aren’t magic, so let’s get that clear right at the beginning. They assess and evaluate information that you give to the examiner, which is why the formal name of psychological testing is psychological assessment. You give this information either in the form of answers to interview questions or as answers on paper—or on a computer—to specific questions. Ultimately, a test’s accuracy depends on how carefully and seriously you answer the questions you’re asked.

Please note that you won’t find copies of any of the standard professional tests online because the tests are copyrighted by the test publishers. Also, for professional reasons, the security of the tests must be maintained, so all mental health professionals are under ethical obligations (enforced by licensing boards) to maintain proper test security.

Types Of Psychological Tests
Psychological tests fall into several categories:
Achievement and aptitude tests are usually seen in educational or employment settings, and they attempt to measure either how much you know about a certain topic (i.e., your achieved knowledge), such as mathematics or spelling, or how much of a capacity you have (i.e., your aptitude) to master material in a particular area, such as mechanical relationships.

Intelligence tests attempt to measure your intelligence—that is, your basic ability to understand the world around you, assimilate its functioning, and apply this knowledge to enhance the quality of your life. Or, as Alfred Whitehead said about intelligence, “it enables the individual to profit by error without being slaughtered by it.”[1] Intelligence, therefore, is a measure of a potential, not a measure of what you’ve learned (as in an achievement test), and so it is supposed to be independent of culture. The challenge is to design a test that can actually be culture-free; most intelligence tests fail in this area to some extent for one reason or another.

The concept of IQ derives from about 1916 when a Stanford University psychologist, Lewis Terman, translated and revised the intelligence scale created by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon. Hence the name of the new instrument, the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. In this instrument, Terman used the ratio of mental age to chronological age. This ratio—or quotient—concept led to the use of the term IQ (Intelligence Quotient). For example, a six year old child with a mental age of 6 would have an IQ of 100 (the “average” IQ score); a six year old child with a mental age of 9 would have an IQ of 150.

This mental age-chronological age concept works well for children, but what do you do about adults? What’s the difference between a mental age of 25, say, and a mental age of 45? Needless to say, the problems here are so complicated that today psychologists have generally given up the idea of IQ and speak simply about intelligence. Today, intelligence is measured according to individual deviation from standardized norms, with 100 being the average.

Take a quick “intelligence” test for free
Neuropsychological tests attempt to measure deficits in cognitive functioning (i.e., your ability to think, speak, reason, etc.) that may result from some sort of brain damage, such as a stroke or a brain injury.

Occupational tests attempt to match your interests with the interests of persons in known careers. The logic here is that if the things that interest you in life match up with, say, the things that interest most school teachers, then you might make a good school teacher yourself.

Personality tests attempt to measure your basic personality style and are most used in research or forensic settings to help with clinical diagnoses. Two of the most well-known personality tests are

• the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), or the revised MMPI-2, composed of several hundred “yes or no” questions, and
• the Rorschach (the “inkblot test”), composed of several cards of inkblots—you simply give a description of the images and feelings you experience in looking at the blots.
Specific clinical tests attempt to measure specific clinical matters, such as your current level of anxiety or depression.

Psychological tests are usually administered and interpreted by a psychologist because studies in psychopathology, along with academic courses and supervision in psychological testing, are an integral part of the doctoral degree in clinical psychology. A counselor who has had the appropriate academic courses and supervision may administer occupational tests or achievement and aptitude tests, but most counselors have not received the training to administer personality tests. Academic courses and supervision in psychological testing are usually not a part of a psychiatrist’s medical training, so most psychiatrists can ethically administer only some specific clinical tests that are straight-forward check-lists of symptoms.

Of course, ethics is one thing, and the desire to make money is another thing. Therefore you will often find individuals offering to do all kinds of psychological testing—especially on the Internet—even when they lack the professional training to administer and interpret such tests. So, as in all things, buyer beware.

Sometimes a psychologist who runs a clinic or has a private office will use legally registered assistants (in California these persons are called “psychological assistants” or “registered psychologists”) or student interns to administer and score psychological tests under his or her direct supervision. As I have seen personally (as a result of my own training), this “supervision” can vary from highly concerned and ethical involvement with assistants to nothing more than a “rubber stamp” signature on the final report. There’s no way for the consumer to know how much the psychologist has actually been involved in the whole process. But as a consumer you have the right to be fully informed about the training and credentials of any assistant with whom you have contact.

Justifications For Using Tests
Psychological tests were created for three main reasons, all of which are interconnected:
It’s easier to get information from tests than by clinical interview. Most people won’t talk about this, but, believe it or not, many psychologists are rather inept at dealing with people, and so it’s a great relief to them to be able to administer a test rather than conduct a competent interview. Thankfully, such psychologists tend to specialize in testing (or research, or teaching) rather than psychotherapy. Think about this if ever you find yourself sitting in front of a steely-eyed psychologist while being given a battery of psychological tests.
The information from tests is more scientifically consistent than the information from a clinical interview. If a psychologist is simply trying to arrive at a diagnosis to help determine the course of psychotherapy, an interview is just fine. But when decisions have to be made about legal matters, disability issues, and so on, then the standardized information from tests allows one person to be directly compared with others, and it makes things more fair.
It’s harder to get away with lying on a test than in a clinical interview. Many tests have multiple “alarms” that go off when a test taker tries to lie. And some tests, such as the Rorschach (the “inkblot test”) don’t even give a clue as to what preferred, or healthy, responses might be, so it’s pretty much impossible to make yourself “look good” by fabricating deceptive answers to a test like this.

Validity and Reliability
The overall problem with psychological tests concerns their ability to measure what they are supposed to measure.
The accuracy, or usefulness, of a test is known as its validity. For example, suppose you wanted to develop a test to determine which of several job applicants would work well in a bank. Would an arithmetic test be a valid test of job success? Well, not if the job required other skills, such as manual dexterity or social skills.
• Construct Validity refers to the ability of a test to measure the psychological construct, such as depression, that it was designed to measure. One way this can be assessed is through the test’s convergent or divergent validity, which refers to whether a test can give results similar to other tests of the same construct and different from tests of different constructs.
• Content Validity refers to the ability of a test to sample adequately the broad range of elements that compose a particular construct.
• Criterion-related Validity refers to the ability of a test to predict someone’s performance on something. For example, before actually using a test to predict whether someone will be successful at a particular job, you would first want to determine whether persons already doing well at that job (the criterion measure) also tend to score high on your proposed test. If so, then you know that the test scores are related to the criterion.

The ability of a test to give consistent results is known as its reliability. For example, a mathematics test that asks you to solve problems of progressive difficulty might be very reliable because if you couldn’t do calculus yesterday you probably won’t be able to do it tomorrow or the next day. But a personality test that asks ambiguous questions which you answer just according to how you feel in the moment may say one thing about you today and another thing about you next month.

• Internal Consistency Reliability refers to how well all the test items relate to each other.
• Test-retest Reliability refers to how well results from one administration of the test relate to results from another administration of the same test at a later time.
Note that without reliability, there can be no validity. A thermometer, for example, may be a valid way to measure temperature, but if the electronic thermometer you are using has bad batteries and it gives erratic (that is, unreliable) results, then its reading is invalid until the batteries are changed.

Note also that no psychological test is ever completely valid or reliable because the human psyche is just too complicated to know anything about it with full confidence. That’s why there can be such uncertainty about a case even after extensive testing.

The MMPI and Occupational Screening

A classic problem with validity arises when someone uses a test for a purpose for which it was not designed. The MMPI, for example, was designed to measure pathological personality traits, yet it (or the MMPI-2) is often used as a screening tool for law enforcement, seminary students, firefighters/paramedics, airline pilots, medical/psychology students, and nuclear power facility workers. Many persons therefore wonder if this is an appropriate use for the test.

Common sense can tell us what personality characteristics make good police officers, for example. They should have good self-esteem, yet not overvalue themselves. They should be energetic, yet not be so involved with so many activities as to be ineffective. They should have good impulse control and be able to tolerate insult without becoming irritable. They shouldn’t hold personal grudges but should be fair, and kind, and objective. They should be obedient to authority and yet be able to make good judgments independently. They should have stamina when under threat. And so on.

But these are complex qualities. How do you measure them?

For example, you could ask a person if he is honest, and he would likely say, “Yes.” But real honesty is discovered under temptation to be dishonest. If hiding a detail of a case could save your career, what would you do under that kind of pressure? Well, there’s no psychological test that can measure any of this. The real “test” is in the encounter with life itself.

So, when trying to select good candidates for police officers, if it’s too difficult to “select in” good traits, then the next best option is to “select out” obvious negative qualities. And that’s where the MMPI-2 comes in. This psychological instrument measures levels of psychopathology. It can tell if someone is always depressed, has bizarre ways of thinking, is always complaining about health problems, or is socially inhibited or overly aggressive, and so on—those sorts of things.

Now, anyone with common sense can tell that someone who is free of obvious negative traits won’t necessarily make a good police officer—or be good at any specific career, for that matter. There’s a lot more that goes into any career than a freedom from psychopathology. Still, the MMPI-2 can be used as a rough screening device to eliminate some obvious problems.

However, if the MMPI-2 alone were used for candidate selection, its validity would be stretched way beyond reason, and some serious mistakes would be made. On the one hand, many candidates without obvious psychopathology—but who still don’t have all the “right stuff”—would be accepted anyway. On the other hand, candidates with some scale elevations could be eliminated even if they may have been functioning well in life so far; in fact, moderate elevations on some scales can be good things in certain situations. This is why a competent psychologist has to make an interpretation of the overall MMPI-2 profile and consider the profile in light of other historical information, such as previous job performance, academic performance, letters of recommendation, and so on.

And this decision-making process brings up one final issue.

False Negatives and False Positives

The sole reason for using psychological tests is to help answer the question, Do we accept this person or not? And since psychological tests aren’t magic, mistakes will be made. Even when a qualified psychologist makes a decision based on all the available evidence, there will still be doubts and shadows of doubts. Thus a false negative mistake occurs when a person truly qualified for a job is rejected; a false positive mistake occurs when a person not truly qualified for a job is accepted.

Now, according to simple logic, if you try to minimize false negative mistakes, you maximize false positive mistakes, and vice versa. Most employers, therefore, try to make their decisions so that the false negative mistakes are minimized, especially when good employees are hard to find.

But for some individuals, such as law enforcement officers, seminary students, firefighters/paramedics, airline pilots, medical/psychology students, and nuclear power facility workers, the risks are too great for any false positive mistakes, so false negative mistakes are freely tolerated. In plain English, this means that some applicants to certain jobs who have been rejected as a result of psychological testing may feel that they have been treated unfairly. And maybe they have. But such is the human price of high-security.

When you are disqualified from a job application for psychological reasons, it means that there are things about your behavior and attitudes that are of concern to the psychologist evaluating you even though you may not be aware of them. Therefore, you do actually have one recourse, but it may not be pleasant or convenient: psychotherapy.

You can enter psychotherapy not because you have any specific disorder but simply to explore your unconscious attitudes. If you really get to some deep issues, then ultimately your MMPI-2 profile will change. And so will your interview behavior.

You have to think of this, however, as an investment in a career so as to make the time and expense of psychotherapy seem worthwhile. It will take a while—anywhere from six months to a year or two of weekly sessions—and it will be expensive, and there are no guarantees—so, as I said, it won’t be convenient. But it’s your only recourse. You may have tried everything so far according to your best ability, but your best ability may not be enough; you need the help and guidance of someone else who can see things about yourself that you, at this time, cannot see. Once you see them, though, then even a psychologist will see you differently.

Lie Detection
The lie detector has a certain mystique about it because it is often used in criminal justice or high security settings. And even though it is not a true psychological assessment instrument, it does utilize some psychological principles. In fact, these principles are the same as the principles used in biofeedback.

The typical lie detector, like a biofeedback instrument, simply measures many different physiological processes such as heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, skin temperature, and skin conductance. Hence its technical name, the polygraph, a word composed of poly- (from the Greek poly, many) and -graph (from the Greek graphos, writing) in reference to the instrument’s multiple recording channels. In biofeedback, these various physiological processes are “fed back” to you as sounds or computer-generated displays that you can use to learn to alter your overall physiological experience in the direction of deep relaxation. But a lie detector does something different: it doesn’t tell you a thing about your physiological reactions. The reactions are measured and recorded, all right, but the test administrator sees them, not you.

So how does a lie detector detect a lie? Well, the test administrator simply asks you various questions and watches your physiological responses as you answer the questions. Some questions are neutral questions, such as “What is your name?” and your response in answering these questions should be quite relaxed. Then the administrator throws in the real questions. “Are you really a double agent?”—things like that. If you can truthfully answer “No,” then your physiology will likely remain relaxed. But if you lie while saying “No,” then those little recording needles will jump all over the place simply because all the unconscious conflicts you experience in telling a lie have subtle physiological consequences.

So on the one hand it’s all quite simple. But on the other hand, it’s more an art than a science. Just how much do those needles have to jump around to indicate that you’re lying? Well, there’s no clear-cut answer; the test administrator has to make a subjective judgment based partly on science and partly on experience. And that is why lie detector results can be so controversial. Mistakes can be made. When does anxiety, for example, get mistaken for lying? And when does someone with “nerves of steel” get away with lying? The only one who knows for sure is the one taking the test, and psychology has not yet learned how to do mind-reading.

Science And Pseudoscience
In its original sense, science (from the Latin scire, to know) simply meant the state or fact of knowing, as compared to intuition or belief. The current technical sense of the word, however, refers to knowledge obtained from systematic observation, study, and experimentation.

Now, as I said above, psychological tests aren’t magic; most of them have been developed through sound scientific principles. In fact, anyone who wants to become a psychologist must learn all the scientific principles of test construction; even if a psychologist has no desire to create a new test, he or she must be competent to evaluate the scientific value of any specific test before using it clinically.

Unfortunately, there are many psychological tests in wide use that are accepted as being scientific just because they are called “tests.” For example, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Enneagram, often used in educational and corporate personnel settings to assess personality “types,” are based in pseudoscience and psychobabble and have about as much worth in clinical settings as astrology. Any competent psychologist can use intuition to get as much information as these “tests” provide.

And then there is the classic Rorschach test that uses inkblots to assess a person’s inner psychological experience. Several methods for administering and scoring the Rorschach have been developed, and although some of them are surrounded with a considerable amount of published research, it would be surprising if any two independent psychologists could administer the Rorschach to the same person and achieve identical findings.

Similarly, tests such as the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), which asks a person to tell stories about various pictures of social interactions, and the Draw-A-Person and House-Tree-Person, which ask a person to draw pictures, are not usually objectively scored and give results of questionable validity.

In the end, then, psychological testing can, in some ways, be both valid and reliable; yet, in other ways, it often does not achieve much more than an impressionistic evaluation of a person. And often the science and the pseudoscience are quietly mixed together in one “scientific” report.

Psychological test scores can be very useful under the proper circumstances—and when the limitations of psychological testing are properly understood and respected.

Note, however, that the score you get on any psychological test is nothing more than “the score you have gotten on that test.” Let’s say you took an IQ test and got a score of 126. Well, your IQ test score may be 126, as measured by that test, at that time, under those circumstances. But what is your real IQ? Well, no one knows. And that’s a fact. So what does an IQ test really measure? Well, again, no one knows. And that’s another fact.

Note also that every well-known and widely used psychological test in the US was developed and standardized in English. This might not seem very important, but just consider what happens when someone needs to be tested who doesn’t speak English fluently. If the test is translated into another language—either in print or through a translator—all kinds of problems can occur. English words with multiple meanings cannot be adequately translated. English idioms cannot be expressed in another language without changing the entire sentence structure along with the underlying logic of the sentence—and when that happens standardization, and the guarantee of fairness it promises, is lost.

So, even though translated versions of tests might be used, and even though you might be given a score that appears to be official and scientific, that score is nothing more than “the score you have gotten on that test.” This might not mean much to you, and it might seem like philosophical quibbling. But what if your life depended on that score?

Your Rights
If ever you find yourself being given a psychological test, remember that you have all the rights of a consumer, as well as the right

• to know the purpose of the testing;
• to know the names of, and rationales for, the tests being used;
• to know the results of the testing (you even have the right to read the psychological report itself);
• to determine, through your signed release of information, who will have access to the testing information (interview information, raw scores, test reports) in your chart.

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Additional Resources
1. Alfred N. Whitehead, Process and Reality. (New York: Macmillan, 1929), p. 256.
Psychological Assessment:
Buros Institute —their “test reviews are evaluations of the tests, not the actual tests themselves.”
TestLink “The ETS Test Collection includes an extensive library of 20,000 tests and other measurement devices from the early 1900s to the present.”
Mental Health from Serendip provides numerous links to resources for information on psychological assessment.
The Web Psychological Club has several online psychological tests available for your entertainment. You won’t find copies of any of the standard professional tests online, however, for two reasons: (a) because the tests are copyrighted, and (b) because the security of the tests must be maintained.

Psychological Assessment Publishers:
PAR - Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.
Pearson Assessments
The Psychological Corporation
Western Psychological Services

Related pages within A Guide to Psychology and its Practice:
Consumer Rights and Office Policies
Diagnosis in Clinical Psychology
Legal Issues
Psychology: Clinical or Counseling or...?
Questions and Answers about Psychotherapy
Types of Psychological Treatment


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A Guide to Psychology and its Practice

luni, 26 ianuarie 2009

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duminică, 25 ianuarie 2009

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REF 692: B777 First Officers - Vietnam Airlines Duration: Long Term Base: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Start: ASAP Type: B777 Type Rated 500 hrs as FO on B777 2000+ total hours Current on type within the last 4 months. Under 55 years old Excellent contract terms & commuting ! Standard roster pattern of 6 weeks on , 2 week ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Vietnam | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 01:34:18
Add REF 971: B777 First Officers - Korean Air

REF 971: B777 First Officers - Korean Air Duration: 5 years (renewable) Base: Commuting Start: Ongoing screenings throughout 2008 Type: B777 FO Experience: 300 + FO hours on type 1,000 + total airline transport hours Flown on type within the last 12 months Under 45 years of age Benefits package includes accommodati ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Vietnam | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 01:26:14
Add REF 973: A330 First Officers - Korean Air

REF 973: A330 First Officers - Korean Air Duration: 5 years (renewable) Base: Commuting Start: Ongoing screenings throughout 2008 Type: A330 FO Experience: 300 + FO hours on A330 OR 500+ A320/A340 hours 1,000 + total airline transport hours Flown on type within the last 12 months Under 45 years of age at date of j ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Global | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 01:22:52
Add REF: 882 - B744 First Officers - Korean Air

REF: 882 - B744 First Officers - Korean Air Duration: 5 years (renewable) Base: Commuting Start: Ongoing screenings throughout 2008 Experience: 300+FO hours on type. 1000+ hours total on airline transport. Flown on type within the last 24 months. Under 45 years of age. Qualifications: ATPL Benefits package include ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: South Korea | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 00:00:00

Immediate contract and permanent vancancies for C-130 First Officers for global operations. Licence validation possible. Competitive salary plus per diems and accommodation allowance. Any valid ATPL 1500h total 200h on type Current on type Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: South America | Job Position: Contract | Salary: On Application | Company: Aeroprofessional Ltd | Published Date: 16 December 2008 16:33:54
Add REF 942: A330 First Officers

Duration: Until May 2009, renewable Base: Ho Chi Minh Start: To be confirmed Type: A330 First Officers Experience: - 2,500 hours total time - 1,500 jet hours - 1,000 hours FO on A330 Qualifications: A330 Type Rating. Under 55 years Work pattern - 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off or 5 weeks on, 3 weeks off or 4 weeks on, 4 w ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Vietnam | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 12 December 2008 00:36:53
Add Ref# 984 ATR42-320 First Officers - UPGRADES to Captain !

Duration: 3 years Base: India - New Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta or Chennai Start: ASAP after Security Clearance granted Type: ATR 42-320 First Officers upgrade to Captain Experience: 1000 hours on ATR42 Maximum 63 years of age Current on type within 12 months Qualifications: ATR 42 type rating Very attractive packag ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 12 December 2008 00:34:54
Add Ref 835: B777 First Officers!

Ref 835: B777 First Officers! Duration: Long term Base: Various bases available worldwide Start: Flexible CPL/ATPL B777 type rated Minimum of 100 hours on B777 accepted Can fly up to 65th birthday if home country license permits. Long haul experience desirable. Good base salary and annual bonuses. Accommodation, ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Asia | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 12 December 2008 00:26:16
Add *NEW* Avro ARJ - First Officers, Swiss European

PAS Aviation is delighted to announce that, on behalf of our client Swiss European Airlines Ltd.,we are now looking for a number of ARJ First Officers to be based in Zurich, Switzerland. These positions are for a 1 year contract potentially renewable to a further year. As the positions will be as full time employe ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Zurich | Job Position: Contract | Company: PAS Aviation Associates GmbH | Published Date: 08 December 2008 08:09:12
Add BEECHCRAFT KING AIR 350 - First Officers - Turkey

Add *NEW* Avro ARJ - First Officers, Swiss European
PAS Aviation is delighted to announce that, on behalf of our client Swiss European Airlines Ltd.,we are now looking for a number of ARJ First Officers to be based in Zurich, Switzerland. These positions are for a 1 year contract potentially renewable to a further year. As the positions will be as full time employe ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Zurich | Job Position: Contract | Company: PAS Aviation Associates GmbH | Published Date: 27 November 2008 15:29:29

Add *NEW* Avro ARJ - First Officers, Swiss European
PAS Aviation is delighted to announce that, on behalf of our client Swiss European Airlines Ltd.,we are now looking for a number of ARJ First Officers to be based in Zurich, Switzerland. These positions are for a 1 year contract potentially renewable to a further year. As the positions will be as full time employe ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Zurich | Job Position: Contract | Company: PAS Aviation Associates GmbH | Published Date: 21 November 2008 09:01:28
Add REF 971: B777 First Officers - Korean Air

REF 971: B777 First Officers - Korean Air Duration: 5 years (renewable) Base: Commuting Start: Ongoing screenings throughout 2008 Type: B777 FO Experience: 300 + FO hours on type 1,000 + total airline transport hours Flown on type within the last 12 months Under 45 years of age Benefits package includes accommodati ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Vietnam | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 21 November 2008 02:00:26
Add Ref# 984 ATR42-320 First Officers - UPGRADES to Captain !

Duration: 3 years Base: India - New Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta or Chennai Start: ASAP after Security Clearance granted Type: ATR 42-320 First Officers upgrade to Captain Experience: 1000 hours on ATR42 Maximum 63 years of age Current on type within 12 months Qualifications: ATR 42 type rating Very attractive packag ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 14 November 2008 00:29:07
Add Ref 835: B777 First Officers!

Ref 835: B777 First Officers! Duration: Long term Base: Various bases available worldwide Start: Flexible CPL/ATPL B777 type rated Minimum of 100 hours on B777 accepted Can fly up to 65th birthday if home country license permits. Long haul experience desirable. Good base salary and annual bonuses. Accommodation, ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Asia | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 14 November 2008 00:20:20
Add REF 692: B777 First Officers - Vietnam Airlines

REF 692: B777 First Officers - Vietnam Airlines Duration: Long Term Base: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Start: ASAP Type: B777 500 hrs as FO on B777 2000+ total hours Current on type within the last 4 months. Under 55 years old Excellent contract terms & commuting ! Standard roster pattern of 6 weeks on , 2 weeks off. Othe ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Vietnam | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 14 November 2008 00:15:15
Add *NEW* Avro ARJ - First Officers, Swiss European

PAS Aviation is delighted to announce that, on behalf of our client Swiss European Airlines Ltd.,we are now looking for a number of ARJ First Officers to be based in Zurich, Switzerland. These positions are for a 1 year contract potentially renewable to a further year. As the positions will be as full time employe ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Zurich | Job Position: Contract | Company: PAS Aviation Associates GmbH | Published Date: 13 November 2008 09:16:04
Add REF 833: B747-400 First Officers!

Duration: Long Term Location: Various bases available worldwide Start: Flexible B747-400 First Officers CPL/ATPL B744 type rated Minimum of 100 hours on B744 accepted Aged under 58 years at date of joining. Long haul experience desirable. Qualification: B747-400 type rating Good base salary and annual bonuses. Ac ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Global | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Variable | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 30 October 2008 23:05:44
Add REF 942: A330 First Officers

Duration: Until May 2009, renewable Base: Ho Chi Minh Start: To be confirmed Type: A330 First Officers Experience: - 2,500 hours total time - 1,500 jet hours - 1,000 hours FO on A330 Qualifications: A330 Type Rating. Under 55 years Work pattern - 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off or 5 weeks on, 3 weeks off or 4 weeks on, 4 w ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Vietnam | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 30 October 2008 23:01:06
Add A300-600 First Officers New contract!

This is an exciting oppurtunity to an established airline. Attractions of the contract include a competitive salary and provision of accommodation. Qualifications: Pilot Must: Hold a current and valid Airline Transport Pilots Licence and First Class Medical certificate. Be a Citizen of an ICAO member state. Have pr ... Job Role: First Officer | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Europe | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Competitive | Company: Storm Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 15 January 2009 09:12:52

Add Self Sponsored B737 First Officers Training Programme
Our Pilot Self Sponsored B737 JAR FCL Type Rating & Line Flying Programme is provided to subsequently enhance the candidate’s opportunities of successful employment in their chosen career. Working in cooperation with a partner Type Rating Training Organisation and our Client Airline our Programme incorporates a JAR ... Job Role: First Officer | Job Hours: Part-Time | Location: Europe | Job Position: Interim | Company: Trident Aviation Recruitment & Training Ltd | Published Date: 13 December 2008 14:01:51
Add A320 First Officers

Experience/ Skills: ICAO ATPL Details: -- Currently On Hold -- This position is currently on hold due to Vietnam Airlines currently placing all of their Expat Pilot Recruitment on hold as of late Nov 2008. However we do expect that the Recruitment process will be reactivated in mid February 09. If you have not alr ... Job Role: First Officer | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Vietnam | Job Position: Contract | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 12 January 2009 16:21:34
Add B747-400 First Officers

Experience/ Skills: Total Time – Minimum of 5000 Hours Must have flown actual B747-400 flight in aircraft within last 6 months - Must be under age 60 at contract end date Details: Parc Aviation is pleased to announce our exciting B747-400 assignment with basings in Shanghai and Los Angeles. In order to be eligible ... Job Role: First Officer | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Central | Job Position: Contract | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 29 December 2008 10:13:16
Add Boeing MD-11 First Officers

Parc Aviation on behalf of our client Ethiopian Airlines hava an immediate requirement of a number of MD-11. Interested applicants must have the following minimum requirements: - Current ICAO/FAA/JAR ATPL Licence with valid MD-11 Type Rating - Current Class 1 Medical - Valid Passport - Date of last Flight on MD-11 ... Job Role: First Officer | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Ethiopia | Job Position: Contract | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 23 December 2008 14:04:30
Add B747-400 First Officers

Details: This is an exciting opportunity to join a large cargo operator with routes in Asia, USA and Europe. Attractions of the contract include: Highly competitive monthly salary Over time payments Housing allowance Four (4) confirmed domestic economy class round-trip tickets within airline network End of 12, ... Job Role: First Officer | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Central | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Very competitive | Company: Storm Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 19 December 2008 09:37:39
Add REF 972: B737 NG First Officers - Korean Air

Duration: 5 years (renewable) Base: Commuting Start: Ongoing screenings throughout 2008 Type: B737 NG FO Experience: 300 + FO hours on type OR 500+ B737EFIS hours 1,000 + total airline transport hours Flown on type within the last 12 months Under 45 years of age Benefits package includes accommodation, medical insu ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Global | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 01:24:55
Add REF 972: B737 NG First Officers - Korean Air

Duration: 5 years (renewable) Base: Commuting Start: Ongoing screenings throughout 2008 Type: B737 NG FO Experience: 300 + FO hours on type OR 500+ B737EFIS hours 1,000 + total airline transport hours Flown on type within the last 12 months Under 45 years of age Benefits package includes accommodation, medical insu ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Global | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 27 November 2008 02:42:13
Add REF 973: A330 First Officers - Korean Air

Duration: 5 years (renewable) Base: Commuting Start: Ongoing screenings throughout 2008 Type: A330 FO Experience: 300 + FO hours on A330 OR 500+ A320/A340 hours 1,000 + total airline transport hours Flown on type within the last 12 months Under 45 years of age at date of joining Benefits package includes accommoda ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Global | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 30 October 2008 22:17:49
Add Flight Crew & Cabin Crew Management - Qatar - Aviation

Flight Crew & Cabin Crew Management - Qatar - Aviation Join one of the fastest growing airlines in the world. Qatar Airways is dedicated to excellence and continuous improvement. We apply this same philosophy to our people, providing diverse career choices and fast-track development opportunities. If you are lookin ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Qatar | Job Position: Permanent | Company: Qatar Airways | Published Date: 06 January 2009 09:57:30
Add Dash 8-Q400 Captains - Rated/Non Rated

Experience/ Skills: ATPL Licence, Details: Parc Aviation on behalf of our client Air Nippon Network (A-net) are recruiting Rated and Non Rated Captains to be trained and type rated on to the Dash 8-Q400. This is a three year assignment. Screening is ongoing. Excellent Terms and Conditions for this assignment apply. ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Japan | Job Position: Contract | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 23 December 2008 14:06:13

Add A310 Line Captains required for long term positions – candidates up to the age of 63 may apply
Our client Air India are the government owned national carrier of India. Over the past number of years they have been going through a phase of considerable expansion and as such are seeking the contract services of foreign licensed and experienced pilots. These are excellent opportunities for candidates seeking lon ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Salary: New Improved Terms and Conditions | Company: Sigmar Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 16 January 2009 17:19:58
Add B747-400 Line Captains

Our client Air India are the government owned national carrier of India. Over the past number of years they have been going through a phase of considerable expansion and as such are seeking the contract services of foreign licensed and experienced pilots. These are excellent opportunities for candidates seeking lon ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Excellent | Company: Sigmar Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 16 January 2009 17:19:51
Add Qualified Winch Operators and Winchpersons

Qualified Winch Operators and Winchpersons SEARCH AND RESCUE Bristow Helicopters is implementing a dedicated Search and Rescue (SAR) Helicopter for its operations in Nigeria and has vacancies for experienced individuals qualified both as winch-operators and/or as winch persons to join their S-92 SAR fleet. The succ ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Nigeria | Job Position: Permanent | Salary: Competitive Salary Commensurate with Qualifications and Experience | Company: Bristow | Published Date: 15 January 2009 08:43:13

Add Boeing B737Efis/NG captain - Featured Job
Minimum Requirement: •500+ hours PIC on type •Current on type within 12 months •3000+ hours total time •Valid/current ATPL issued from a country that has diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China •Valid passport issued by a country that has diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: China | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Salary: USD$11,750/month (net). Completion Bonus: 1st year: USD$6,000, 2nd year: USD$8,000, 3rd year: USD$10,000 (gross). Salary paid offshore and expat tax benefits may apply. 3-year contract and renewable. | Company: Shenzhen Airlines | Published Date: 16 January 2009 12:25:08
Add Airbus A320 series captain - Featured Job

Minimum Requirements: •500+ hours PIC on type •Current on type within 12 months •3000+ hours total time •Valid/current ATPL issued from a country that has diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China •Valid passport issued by a country that has diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of Chi ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: China | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Salary: USD$11,750/month (net). Completion Bonus: 1st year: USD$6,000, 2nd year: USD$8,000, 3rd year: USD$10,000 (gross). Salary paid offshore and expat tax benefits may apply. 3-year contract and renewable. | Company: Shenzhen Airlines | Published Date: 16 January 2009 12:25:22
Add G3 Captain

This is an excellent opportunity to join a Middle Eastern operation. Attractions of the contract include: Highly competitive monthly salary and allowances. Qualifications: Pilots Must: Be below the age of 60. Hold a current and valid ATPL issued by a JAA or FAA authority. Hold a current First Class Medical Certific ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Middle East | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Excellent Remuneration | Company: Storm Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 15 January 2009 09:25:36
Add A300/600 Captains (February 2009 Start)

This is an exciting short term oppurtunity to join an established airline. Attractions of the contract include a competitive salary and provision of accommodation. Qualifications: Pilot must: Hold a current and valid Airline Transport Pilots Licence and First Class Medical Certificate. Be a Citizen of an ICAO membe ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Europe | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Competitive | Company: Storm Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 23 December 2008 12:20:23
Add A320 Captains NEW China, Commutable roster Bonus scheme every year!!

Details: This is an exciting opportunity to join an expanding low cost operation based in the People's Republic of China. The base is a cosmopolitian and tourist favoured area of China. Attractions of the contract include: A roster of 6 weeks on 2 weeks off Highly competitive salary Accommodation allowance Mont ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Central | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Very competitive | Company: Storm Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 19 December 2008 09:43:31
Add 747-400 Captains and F/Officers China - Featured Job

We require experienced Captains and F/O's current and qualified on the 747-400 to join our existing clients based in Shanghai. Must be current on the aircraft with Captains requiring 5000 hrs. total time with 500 hrs in command on the aircraft. F/O's require 3,000 hrs. total time with 500 hrs F/O time on the aircra ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Shanghai | Job Position: Contract | Salary: 747China | Company: Brookfield Aviation International Ltd | Published Date: 16 January 2009 11:45:43
Add Senior Payload RF Systems Engineer (Industrialisation) - Hampshire - Aerospace

Senior Payload RF Systems Engineer (Industrialisation) - Hampshire - Aerospace Location: Hampshire Company: TPSL Job reference: 3916 Senior Payload RF Systems Engineer (Industrialisation) working for a world leader in the design and manufacture of satellite systems for civil and military telecommunications and Eart ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Hampshire | Job Position: Permanent | Salary: Attractive renumeration and benefits package | Company: TPSL Management Services | Published Date: 06 January 2009

Add REF 910: ATR42 Captains, Check Captains, TRIs, TREs

REF 910: ATR42 Captains, Check Captains, TRIs, TREs Duration: 3 years Base: India Start: As soon as possible Type: Exciting new contract opportunity with established India carrier. Experience: Must have 100 PIC hours on type. If applying for Check Captain, Instructor, Examiner roles must have relevant experience. C ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 01:45:22
Add REF 910: ATR42 Captains, Check Captains, TRIs, TREs

REF 910: ATR42 Captains, Check Captains, TRIs, TREs Duration: 3 years Base: India Start: As soon as possible Type: Exciting new contract opportunity with established India carrier. Experience: Must have 100 PIC hours on type. If applying for Check Captain, Instructor, Examiner roles must have relevant experience. C ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 12 December 2008 00:34:17
Add REF 910: ATR42 Captains, Check Captains, TRIs, TREs

REF 910: ATR42 Captains, Check Captains, TRIs, TREs Duration: 3 years Base: India Start: As soon as possible Type: Exciting new contract opportunity with established India carrier. Experience: Must have 100 PIC hours on type. If applying for Check Captain, Instructor, Examiner roles must have relevant experience. C ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 14 November 2008 00:26:46
Add B737NG Captain Required Tianjin

Are you currently flying B737EFIS and would like to change over to the B737NG and work in China? Are you currently flying B737NG and would like to work in China? Here at Direct Personnel International we have a great new B737NG contract available for type rated Captains. Contract is based in Tianjin, (just outsid ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Central | Job Position: Contract | Company: Direct Personnel International | Published Date: 16 January 2009 14:03:31
Add A320 Captain Shanghai

Direct Personnel International have an excellent new A320 contract available for type rated Captains. Contract is based in Shanghai, China with an excellent airline. DPI employ local representation to help all our crewmembers adjust to life in China and provide on the ground support throughout the duration of the c ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Shanghai | Job Position: Contract | Company: Direct Personnel International | Published Date: 16 January 2009 13:54:22
Add ATR42/72 TRE, TRI & Line Captains - India

Fantastic opportunity for ATR72 rated instructors. Our client is a dynamic leader of domestic aviation in India, offering very good salaries, allowances and benefits, as well as choice of various work cycles. Any ICAO ATPL, TRI, TRE or equivalent Type Rating ATR 72 (Current) Current on type Total hours: 5000 (TRE), ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Permanent | Salary: On Application | Company: Aeroprofessional Ltd | Published Date: 16 January 2009 16:25:37
Add Dash 8 Q-400 Line Training Captains

Experience/ Skills: JAR Licence Details: Parc Aviation on behalf of our client has a requirement for Dash 8 Q-400 Line Training Captains. In order to apply you must meet the following minimum requirements. -Experience as Line Training Captain on Dash 8 Q-400 with currency within the last 2 years. -Valid Jar Licence ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Germany | Job Position: Contract | Salary: on request | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 14 January 2009 16:44:20
Add ATR72 Captain (SAJ)

ATR 72 Captain Our Client, a well established airline operating in Asia, requires for immediate employment ATR 72 Line Captains. Candidates must: - hold an airline pilot license with a type rating on the ATR 72; - have at least 3,000 hours total time; - have at least 100 hours as PIC on the aircraft; - have at lea ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Asia | Job Position: Contract | Salary: *8,500 us plus overtime | Company: AeroPersonnel Global | Published Date: 09 January 2009 14:51:22
Add Airbus 330 Captains and First Officers - Saudia Arabia

JAR-FCL-FAA-ICAO-ATPL Current Type Raiting A330 Valid Class 1 Medical Certificate Fluent English (written and spoken) Reguirements fot Captains; Minumum 5.000 hrs P.I.C Minumum total 500 hrs on type Contract for 1 year and renewable up to 4 years Base in Saudia Arabia (Jeddah) Reguirements for First Officer; Minumu ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Saudi Arabia | Job Position: Permanent | Salary: Excellent | Company: Atlasjet Airlines | Published Date: 09 January 2009 11:56:23
Add REF 941:A330 Captains - new terms!!

Duration: Until May 2013, renewable Base: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Start: To be confirmed Type: A330 Captains - 4,500 hours total time - 2,000 PIC hours - 500 hours PIC on A330 Need to be under 55 years of age International flight experience A330 Captain type rating Excellent contract terms & commuting ! Standard roste ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Vietnam | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 02:05:51

Add Ref# 984 ATR42-320 First Officers - UPGRADES to Captain !

Duration: 3 years Base: India - New Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta or Chennai Start: ASAP after Security Clearance granted Type: ATR 42-320 First Officers upgrade to Captain Experience: 1000 hours on ATR42 Maximum 63 years of age Current on type within 12 months Qualifications: ATR 42 type rating Very attractive packag ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 01:46:51
Add REF 807: ATR72 Captain, TRI, TRE

REF 807: ATR72 Captain, TRI, TRE Duration: Up to 3 years, renewable Base: India – commuting Start: Flexible Type: Current ATR72 Captains and TRE/TRIs required for India carrier. Experience: Min 500 hours PIC on ATR72. Candidates need to have flown on ATR72 within the last 12 months If you have an ATR72 type rating ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Delhi | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 01:34:52
Add REF 941:A330 Captains - new terms!!

Duration: Until May 2013, renewable Base: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Start: To be confirmed Type: A330 Captains - 4,500 hours total time - 2,000 PIC hours - 500 hours PIC on A330 Need to be under 55 years of age International flight experience A330 Captain type rating Excellent contract terms & commuting ! Standard roste ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Vietnam | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 12 December 2008 00:36:06
Add Ref# 984 ATR42-320 First Officers - UPGRADES to Captain !

Duration: 3 years Base: India - New Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta or Chennai Start: ASAP after Security Clearance granted Type: ATR 42-320 First Officers upgrade to Captain Experience: 1000 hours on ATR42 Maximum 63 years of age Current on type within 12 months Qualifications: ATR 42 type rating Very attractive packag ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 12 December 2008 00:34:54
Add F50 - Captains, European Base

On behalf of our client, based in Riga, PAS Aviation are now looking to contract 6 F50 Captains. Applicants should have a current F50 type rating on a JAA licence and a JAA Class 1 medical. As these are Captain positions candidates should have a minimum of 500 hours PIC on the F50. Pay and conditions will be discu ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Latvia | Job Position: Contract | Company: PAS Aviation Associates GmbH | Published Date: 08 December 2008 10:00:09
Add F50 - Captains, European Base

On behalf of our client, based in Riga, PAS Aviation are now looking to contract 6 F50 Captains. Applicants should have a current F50 type rating on a JAA licence and a JAA Class 1 medical. As these are Captain positions candidates should have a minimum of 500 hours PIC on the F50. Pay and conditions will be discu ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Latvia | Job Position: Contract | Company: PAS Aviation Associates GmbH | Published Date: 27 November 2008 15:29:20
Add REF 807: ATR72 Captain, TRI, TRE

REF 807: ATR72 Captain, TRI, TRE Duration: Up to 3 years, renewable Base: India – commuting Start: Flexible Type: Current ATR72 Captains and TRE/TRIs required for India carrier. Experience: Min 500 hours PIC on ATR72. Candidates need to have flown on ATR72 within the last 12 months If you have an ATR72 type rating ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Delhi | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 27 November 2008 03:11:10
Add F50 - Captains, European Base

On behalf of our client, based in Riga, PAS Aviation are now looking to contract 6 F50 Captains. Applicants should have a current F50 type rating on a JAA licence and a JAA Class 1 medical. As these are Captain positions candidates should have a minimum of 500 hours PIC on the F50. Pay and conditions will be discu ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Latvia | Job Position: Contract | Company: PAS Aviation Associates GmbH | Published Date: 21 November 2008 09:01:36
Add Ref# 984 ATR42-320 First Officers - UPGRADES to Captain !

Duration: 3 years Base: India - New Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta or Chennai Start: ASAP after Security Clearance granted Type: ATR 42-320 First Officers upgrade to Captain Experience: 1000 hours on ATR42 Maximum 63 years of age Current on type within 12 months Qualifications: ATR 42 type rating Very attractive packag ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 14 November 2008 00:29:07
Add F50 - Captains, European Base

On behalf of our client, based in Riga, PAS Aviation are now looking to contract 6 F50 Captains. Applicants should have a current F50 type rating on a JAA licence and a JAA Class 1 medical. As these are Captain positions candidates should have a minimum of 500 hours PIC on the F50. Pay and conditions will be discu ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Latvia | Job Position: Contract | Company: PAS Aviation Associates GmbH | Published Date: 13 November 2008 09:04:24

Add REF 807: ATR72 Captain, TRI, TRE

REF 807: ATR72 Captain, TRI, TRE Duration: Up to 3 years, renewable Base: India – commuting Start: Flexible Type: Current ATR72 Captains and TRE/TRIs required for India carrier. Experience: Min 500 hours PIC on ATR72. Candidates need to have flown on ATR72 within the last 12 months If you have an ATR72 type rating ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Delhi | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 30 October 2008 22:39:19
Add ATR 72 TRE and Captain

This ATR 72 TREs & Line Captain contract is available until January 2008, renewable therafter. It is based in Vietnam. Captain and Type Rating Examiner postions available. Type: ATR72 only (ATR 42 time will not be considered in lieu of ATR72) Experience: Minimum 4000 hours total Minimum 100 PIC on ATR 72 Last SIM ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Vietnam | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 22 August 2007 00:00:07
Add Immediate Vacancies for A340 Captains and First Officers

Current on any A340 Type Captain Minimums: 7000h with 1500h in command on type First Officers: 3000h with 500h on type Salary: Negotiable Max Age: 58 All Candidates Must Have Valid JAA License Duration: 2 Years Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: United Kingdom | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Attractive Salary and Benefits Package | Company: Aeroprofessional Ltd | Published Date: 16 January 2009 21:52:33
Add Falcon 900B Captain required for an immediate start

Sigmar Aviation on behalf of our client based in the Middle East are seeking applications from qualified and current Falcon 900B Captains for positions which are available for an immediate start. All license types are acceptable JAA/FAA/ICAO ATPL Candidates must have a valid Falcon 900 type rating endorsement on t ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Middle East | Job Position: Permanent | Company: Sigmar Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 16 January 2009 17:19:43
Add CRJ200 Captain ***JAA Only*** Immediate Start

Direct Personnel have vacancies for CRJ200 Captains. Would you like to live near the Adriatic Sea? Now is your chance grab this opportunity while you can!!! We currently have pilots on contract with this airline who are really happy with this position and love the lifestyle and are keen to extend their contracts. W ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Slovenia | Job Position: Contract | Company: Direct Personnel International | Published Date: 12 January 2009 15:22:50
Add ATR72-500 Line Captain

Experience/ Skills: ICAO ATPL Details: Parc Aviation, on behalf of our clients, require ATR72-500 Line Captains for a 3 year contract based in India. Interested applicants must have the following minimum requirements: - Current ICAO ATPL - Current A320 Command Type Rating - Current Class 1 Medical - Valid Passport ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Salary: On Request | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 23 December 2008 14:05:56
Add B757/B767 Captain

Parc Aviation on behalf of our client Ethiopian Airlines hava an immediate requirement of a number of B757/B767 Captains. Interested applicants must have the following minimum requirements: - Current ICAO/FAA/JAR ATPL Licence with B757 Type Rating - Current Class 1 Medical - Valid Passport - Date of last Flight on ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Ethiopia | Job Position: Contract | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 23 December 2008 14:05:19
Add B737NG Captain

++NEW AND IMPROVED TERMS++ Our client, a major Chinese carrier require B737NG Captains for their operations. Candidates must satisfy the following conditions: * 2000 Total time * 500 Hours in command of B737NG * Current and Valid B737NG Type Rating * Current on type with last B737NG flight within past 3 months * C ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Shanghai | Job Position: Contract | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 23 December 2008 09:34:56
Add A310/A300-600 - Captains

Base: Kolkotta, Ahmedabad, Chennai Start: ASAP Contract: 3 years renewable Can fly up to 65 years provided, if license issuing authority permits. TRE (Type Rated Examiner) - 4000 hours of total flying experience including 2000 hours on type as PIC with a minimum of 500 hours instructional experience on type. TRI (T ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Company: Deccan Cargo & Express Logistics Pvt Limited | Published Date: 10 November 2008 16:22:04
Add ATR42/72 - Captains

Base: Trivandrum, Nagpur Start: ASAP Contract: 3 years renewable Can fly up to 65 years provided, if license issuing authority permits. TRE (Type Rated Examiner) - 4000 hours of total flying experience including 2000 hours on type as PIC with a minimum of 500 hours instructional experience on type. TRI (Type Rated ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Company: Deccan Cargo & Express Logistics Pvt Limited | Published Date: 10 November 2008 16:21:43

Add Boeing B737Efis/NG captain - Featured Job

Minimum Requirement: •500+ hours PIC on type •Current on type within 12 months •3000+ hours total time •Valid/current ATPL issued from a country that has diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China •Valid passport issued by a country that has diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: China | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Salary: USD$11,750/month (net). Completion Bonus: 1st year: USD$6,000, 2nd year: USD$8,000, 3rd year: USD$10,000 (gross). Salary paid offshore and expat tax benefits may apply. 3-year contract and renewable. | Company: Shenzhen Airlines | Published Date: 16 January 2009 12:25:08
Add Airbus A320 series captain - Featured Job

Minimum Requirements: •500+ hours PIC on type •Current on type within 12 months •3000+ hours total time •Valid/current ATPL issued from a country that has diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China •Valid passport issued by a country that has diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of Chi ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: China | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Salary: USD$11,750/month (net). Completion Bonus: 1st year: USD$6,000, 2nd year: USD$8,000, 3rd year: USD$10,000 (gross). Salary paid offshore and expat tax benefits may apply. 3-year contract and renewable. | Company: Shenzhen Airlines | Published Date: 16 January 2009 12:25:22
Add G3 Captain

This is an excellent opportunity to join a Middle Eastern operation. Attractions of the contract include: Highly competitive monthly salary and allowances. Qualifications: Pilots Must: Be below the age of 60. Hold a current and valid ATPL issued by a JAA or FAA authority. Hold a current First Class Medical Certific ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Middle East | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Excellent Remuneration | Company: Storm Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 15 January 2009 09:25:36
Add B767 Rated or Non-Rated First Officers

Experience/ Skills: Current Airline 2 Jet Experience Details: Parc Aviation are pleased to advise we have an on going requirement for a number of B767 Rated or Non-Rated First Officers for our client Air Japan, based in Tokyo, Japan. Air Japan is a scheduled airline operating international routes in Asia and to/fr ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Japan | Job Position: Contract | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 23 December 2008 14:03:07
Add B767 Rated or Non-Rated First Officers

ICAO Licence + Current Airline 2 PERSON Jet Experience Details: Parc Aviation are pleased to advise of an on going requirement for a large number of B767 Rated or Non-Rated First Officers for new client ANA & JP Express, based in Tokyo, Japan. ANA & JP Express is a new joint venture company set up between All Nipp ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Japan | Job Position: Contract | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 22 December 2008 15:48:41
Add Flight Crew Resourcing Specialist

The Position: To represent Flight Operations in the activity of pilot selection by providing specialized aviation knowledge and evaluative input into the selection process, for the recruitment of high quality Flight Crew to meet the operational needs of the organization. This will be achieved through drawing on pr ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Dubai | Job Position: Permanent | Salary: Attractive tax free package will be discussed at interview. | Company: Emirates Group | Published Date: 22 December 2008 09:56:36

Emirates Airline is a dynamic, multicultural organization with ambitious global growth plans. We are recruiting the best global talent to fly our advanced fleet of Airbus A330 and Boeing 777 aircraft. These positions are based in Dubai - the modern, cosmopolitan city of the future. We offer technically proficient F ... Job Role: First Officer | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Dubai | Job Position: Permanent | Salary: Excellent tax free package will be discussed at interview. | Company: Emirates Group | Published Date: 22 December 2008 08:07:34
Add REF 999: New Contract - B737-NG Chief Pilot, TRE & Director of Operations - Expressions of Interest

REF 999: New Contract - B737-NG Chief Pilot, TRE & Director of Operations - Expressions of Interest Duration: 1 year - renewable at Airlines discretion Base: South East Asia Start: TBC Type: B737-NG Experience: • Senior Aviation Management experience • 1,500 PIC hours on type • 5,000 hours total time • Currently f ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Asia | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 00:12:22

Emirates Airline is a dynamic, multicultural organisation with ambitious global growth plans. We are recruiting the best global talent to fly our advanced fleet of Airbus A330 and Boeing 777 aircraft. These positions are based in Dubai - the modern, cosmopolitan city of the future. We offer technically proficient F ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Dubai | Job Position: Permanent | Salary: ATTRACTIVE TAX-FREE PACKAGE WILL BE DISCUSSED AT INTERVIEW | Company: Emirates Group | Published Date: 15 December 2008 08:31:51
Add B737ng Captains - Korean Air

Direct Personnel International, on behalf of our client Korean Air, have a requirement for B737ng Captains. This is an excellent 5 year contract that includes the following: *Commutable Roster *Excellent Pay Rates *Attractive Overtime Rates *Access to the extensive Korean Air network *24 Annual Leave days per year ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: South Korea | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Excellent Salary & Over All Package | Company: Direct Personnel International | Published Date: 09 January 2009 16:58:14

Add REF 676: B737 NG TREs, TRIs and Line Captains - EFIS pilots can apply

REF 676: B737 NG TREs, TRIs and Line Captains - EFIS pilots can apply Duration: 3 years Base: Operating for Air India Express from Southern India, with worldwide bases Start: Flexible Type: Examiners, Instructors and Line Captains are required for Air India Express. Commuting contracts - 14 consecutive days off eve ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Delhi | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 01:33:42
Add REF 676: B737 NG TREs, TRIs and Line Captains - EFIS pilots can apply

REF 676: B737 NG TREs, TRIs and Line Captains - EFIS pilots can apply Duration: 3 years Base: Operating for Air India Express from Southern India, with worldwide bases Start: Flexible Type: Examiners, Instructors and Line Captains are required for Air India Express. Commuting contracts - 14 consecutive days off eve ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Delhi | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 27 November 2008 02:55:28

REF 830: B737 EFIS/NG Captains Duration: 2 years, renewable Base: Tianjin or Beijing, China Type: B737 NG Captains for passenger & cargo operations. Experience: Total Time: 3000+ PIC on type: 500+ Under 53yrs old B737 EFIS Captains must also have NG experience Good contract terms & location. Great opportunity to e ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Central | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 14 November 2008 00:19:42
Add REF 676: B737 NG TREs, TRIs and Line Captains - EFIS pilots can apply

REF 676: B737 NG TREs, TRIs and Line Captains - EFIS pilots can apply Duration: 3 years Base: Operating for Air India Express from Southern India, with worldwide bases Start: Flexible Type: Examiners, Instructors and Line Captains are required for Air India Express. Commuting contracts - 14 consecutive days off eve ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Delhi | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 30 October 2008 22:32:44
Add B777 Line Captains / Instructors Examiners - USA Assessments - January 09

Sigmar Aviation on behalf of our client Air India is currently seeking applications from qualified B777 Line Captains / Instructors / Examiners for long term contract positions. Our client is offering an excellent package to include: - Attractive basic salary - Yearly incremental bonus - Accommodation - Local Trans ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Company: Sigmar Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 16 January 2009 17:18:39
Add 747-400 Captains and F/Officers China - Featured Job

We require experienced Captains and F/O's current and qualified on the 747-400 to join our existing clients based in Shanghai. Must be current on the aircraft with Captains requiring 5000 hrs. total time with 500 hrs in command on the aircraft. F/O's require 3,000 hrs. total time with 500 hrs F/O time on the aircra ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Shanghai | Job Position: Contract | Salary: 747China | Company: Brookfield Aviation International Ltd | Published Date: 16 January 2009 11:45:43
Add B767 Rated or Non-Rated Captains

Experience/ Skills: Current Airline 2 PERSON Jet Experience Details: Parc Aviation are pleased to advise of an on going requirement for a number of B767 Rated or Non-Rated Captains for our client ANA & JP Express, based in Tokyo, Japan. ANA & JP Express is a new joint venture company set up between All Nippon Airw ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Japan | Job Position: Contract | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 29 December 2008 10:12:39
Add REF 955: B737NG/EFIS Captains Needed

REF 955: B737NG/EFIS Captains Needed Duration: 3 years, renewable Base: Tokyo, Japan Start: ASAP Type: Great opportunity for B737NG/EFIS Captains to be a part a reputable domestic operator in Japan. Experience: ICAO ATPL B737 NG or B737 EFIS Command type rating and experience Total time: 5,000 + hours Total PIC ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Japan | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 24 December 2008 01:43:06
Add REF 986: B737-400 Captains

REF 986: B737-400 Captains Three years, renewable, extensions likely. Base: Miyazaki or Tokyo Starts: Next Screening September 2008 An exciting opportunity for B737-400 Captains to enjoy everything Japan has to offer! Age limit 56 years at start of contract. 4000 hours total flight experience. 500 hours PIC on B737 ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Japan | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 02:10:19
Add REF 955: B737NG/EFIS Captains Needed

REF 955: B737NG/EFIS Captains Needed Duration: 3 years, renewable Base: Tokyo, Japan Start: ASAP Type: Great opportunity for B737NG/EFIS Captains to be a part a reputable domestic operator in Japan. Experience: ICAO ATPL B737 NG or B737 EFIS Command type rating and experience Total time: 5,000 + hours Total PIC ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Japan | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 02:08:53

Add B777 Captains - Korean Air

REF 899: B777 Captains - Korean Air Duration: 5 year term, renewable Base: Anywhere on the KAL network B777 Captains Experience: 300+ PIC hours on B777 2000+ PIC airline transport hours Under the age of 58 Flown on type within last 24 months Pay Increase! Great terms and conditions, commuting contract, bonus paym ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: South Korea | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 01:40:45
Add REF 922: A330 Captains

REF 922: A330 Captains Duration: 5 years renewable Base: Anywhere on KAL network Start: Negotiable Type: A330 Captains urgently required for exciting long term contract. Experience: 500+ PIC hours on type 2000+ PIC Airline Transport Hrs Flown on type within 24 months Age: 58 years and under. Pay Increase! Benefits ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: South Korea | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 01:22:28
Add REF 418: ATR72 Captains - New Terms!!

REF 418: ATR72 Captains - New Terms!! Duration: Until May 2013, renewable Base: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Start: As soon as possible ATR72 Captains needed. Minimum 3000 hours total 1000 PIC hours 500 PIC on ATR72 (ATR42 time may also be accepted as long as you have a current ATR72 type rating) Last SIM and Flight on typ ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Vietnam | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 01:22:00
Add REF 986: B737-400 Captains

REF 986: B737-400 Captains Three years, renewable, extensions likely. Base: Miyazaki or Tokyo Starts: Next Screening September 2008 An exciting opportunity for B737-400 Captains to enjoy everything Japan has to offer! Age limit 56 years at start of contract. 4000 hours total flight experience. 500 hours PIC on B737 ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Japan | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 12 December 2008 00:41:19
Add B777 Captains - Korean Air

REF 899: B777 Captains - Korean Air Duration: 5 year term, renewable Base: Anywhere on the KAL network B777 Captains Experience: 300+ PIC hours on B777 2000+ PIC airline transport hours Under the age of 58 Flown on type within last 24 months Pay Increase! Great terms and conditions, commuting contract, bonus paym ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: South Korea | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 12 December 2008 00:32:07
Add Learjet 60XR - Captains

On behalf of our client, we are looking for 2 Lear 60XR Captains for an immediate start until the end of this year. The base will be in Beirut - flying mainly in Europe. All candidates must have JAR Licences. Experienced Lear 60 Captains are requested to apply to buoyo123@hotmail.co.uk with a flying CV and breakdo ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Europe | Job Position: Contract | Company: PAS Aviation Associates GmbH | Published Date: 02 December 2008 10:04:16
Add REF 418: ATR72 Captains - New Terms!!

REF 418: ATR72 Captains - New Terms!! Duration: Until May 2013, renewable Base: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Start: As soon as possible ATR72 Captains needed. Minimum 3000 hours total 1000 PIC hours 500 PIC on ATR72 (ATR42 time will also be accepted as long as you have a current ATR72 type rating) Last SIM and Flight on ty ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Vietnam | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 27 November 2008 02:39:07
Add REF 922: A330 Captains

REF 922: A330 Captains Duration: 5 years renewable Base: Anywhere on KAL network Start: Negotiable Type: A330 Captains urgently required for exciting long term contract. Experience: 500+ PIC hours on type 2000+ PIC Airline Transport Hrs Flown on type within 24 months Age: 58 years and under. Pay Increase! Benefits ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: South Korea | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 21 November 2008 01:54:31
Add REF 904: B737-400/500 Captains - New Pay Rates!

REF 904: B737-400/500 Captains - New Pay Rates! Duration: 2 years, renewable Base: Seoul Start: ASAP Exciting new opportunity for B737-400/500 Captains to experience Seoul. Experience: 500 PIC hours on type and minimum 5,000 total flight time Aged under 58 years Flown within last 24 months Well respected internatio ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: South Korea | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 14 November 2008 00:25:41
Add B777 Captains - Korean Air

REF 899: B777 Captains - Korean Air Duration: 5 year term, renewable Base: Anywhere on the KAL network B777 Captains Experience: 300+ PIC hours on B777 2000+ PIC airline transport hours Under the age of 58 Flown on type within last 24 months Pay Increase! Great terms and conditions, commuting contract, bonus paym ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: South Korea | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 14 November 2008 00:25:11

Add REF 922: A330 Captains

REF 922: A330 Captains Duration: 5 years renewable Base: Anywhere on KAL network Start: Negotiable Type: A330 Captains urgently required for exciting long term contract. Experience: 500+ PIC hours on type 2000+ PIC Airline Transport Hrs Flown on type within 24 months Age: 58 years and under. Pay Increase! Benefits ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: South Korea | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 23 October 2008 23:54:21
Add Bombardier Q400 Captains – Upcoming Recruitment

Sigmar Aviation on behalf of our client Arik Air an Award Winning Airline based in Africa is currently seeking Q400 Captains for permanent positions. Candidates should be current on type holding a valid ICAO/JAA/FAA license and MUST have a valid Q400 endorsement. Candidates who are interested in working for Arik ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Nigeria | Job Position: Permanent | Company: Sigmar Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 16 January 2009 17:20:04
Add B737 NG - Captains – Upcoming Recruitment

Sigmar Aviation on behalf of our client Arik Air an Award Winning Airline based in Africa is currently seeking B737 NG Captains for permanent positions. Candidates should be current on type holding a valid ICAO/JAA/FAA license and MUST have a valid B737 NG endorsement. Candidates who are interested in working for ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Nigeria | Job Position: Permanent | Company: Sigmar Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 16 January 2009 17:18:03
Add Hawker850XP Captains – Upcoming Recruitment

Sigmar Aviation on behalf of our client Arik Air an Award Winning Airline based in Africa is currently seeking Hawker 850XP Captains for permanent positions. Candidates should be current on type holding a valid ICAO/JAA/FAA license and MUST have a valid Hawker 850XP endorsement. (with proline 21 experience) Candi ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Nigeria | Job Position: Permanent | Company: Sigmar Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 16 January 2009 17:17:48
Add 737 NG Captains China - Featured Job

We have a number of requirements for experienced 737 NG Captains to be based in Beijing. 3 year assignments are available offering good terms-including 6 monthly bonus of US$12,000 - 70 hours per month + overtime above 70hours - age limit below 52 must have 500 hours on type in command and 5000 hours total time-ple ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Central | Job Position: Contract | Company: Brookfield Aviation International Ltd | Published Date: 16 January 2009 11:45:17
Add TRE Training Captains - London - Aviation

TRE Training Captains - London - Aviation BA CityFlyer Ltd, a fast growing subsidiary of British Airways Plc, has recently placed a firm order for six Embraer 170 and five Embraer 190SR efficiency jets in a multi-million dollar investment into renewing its fleet of aircraft. This demonstrates British Airways' ongoi ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: London | Job Position: Permanent | Company: BA CityFlyer | Published Date: 12 January 2009 16:52:25
Add TRE Training Captains - Edinburgh - Aviation

TRE Training Captains - Edinburgh - Aviation BA CityFlyer Ltd, a fast growing subsidiary of British Airways Plc, has recently placed a firm order for six Embraer 170 and five Embraer 190SR efficiency jets in a multi-million dollar investment into renewing its fleet of aircraft. This demonstrates British Airways' on ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Edinburgh | Job Position: Permanent | Company: BA CityFlyer | Published Date: 12 January 2009 16:52:23
Add Embraer 190/195 Captains - Commutable Roster

Details Storm Aviation has an opportunity for experienced Embraer Captains to join this airline based in the Middle East and offering excellent terms. Choice of roster - 6 weeks on/2 weeks off or 6 weeks on/3 weeks off Return economy airfare for each rotation Market leading salary Secure accommodation to airlin ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Middle East | Job Position: Contract | Company: Storm Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 06 January 2009 15:12:59
Add REF: 976 A320 Captains - China - PAY INCREASE & BONUS!!

REF: 976 A320 Captains - China - PAY INCREASE & BONUS!! Duration: 2 years renewable Base: Guangzhou, Xian, Sanya (on Hainan Island) ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Start: ASAP Type: A319/320/321 Experience: Need to have flown on type (A320) as PIC within the last 6 months. Total Time: 4,000 + hrs Total A320 PIC Time: ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: China | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 05 January 2009 02:50:37
Add Dash 8-Q400 Captains - Rated/Non Rated

Experience/ Skills: ATPL Licence, Details: Parc Aviation on behalf of our client Air Nippon Network (A-net) are recruiting Rated and Non Rated Captains to be trained and type rated on to the Dash 8-Q400. This is a three year assignment. Screening is ongoing. Excellent Terms and Conditions for this assignment apply. ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Japan | Job Position: Contract | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 23 December 2008 14:06:13

Add Boeing MD-11 Captains

Parc Aviation on behalf of our client Ethiopian Airlines hava an immediate requirement of a number of MD11 Captains. Interested applicants must have the following minimum requirements: - Current ICAO/FAA/JAR ATPL Licence with valid MD-11 Type Rating - Current Class 1 Medical - Valid Passport - Date of last Flight ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Ethiopia | Job Position: Contract | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 23 December 2008 14:04:47
Add B737-400/500/NG Captains - Japan

Parc Aviation on behalf of our client, has an urgent requirement for a number of B737-400/500/NG Captains. Excellent terms and conditions to include -Choice of JPY or USD Salary -Taxes Paid -Accommodation provided -Educational support for children -Monthly commuting tickets provided. Should you wish to apply for t ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Japan | Job Position: Contract | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 23 December 2008 14:04:11
Add REF 956: B737NG Captains

Duration: 3 years, renewable Base: Shanghai, China Start: ASAP Type: Fantastic new opportunity for B737NG Captains to work with an established carrier on good contract terms in China Experience: 4000hrs total 500hrs PIC on type Flown within the last 6 months Under 56 yrs of age at date of joining Qualifications: ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Shanghai | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 02:12:49
Add REF: 976 A320 Captains - China - PAY INCREASE & BONUS!!

REF: 976 A320 Captains - China - PAY INCREASE & BONUS!! Duration: 2 years renewable Base: Guangzhou, Xian, Sanya (on Hainan Island) Start: ASAP Type: A319/320/321 Experience: Need to have flown on type (A320) as PIC within the last 6 months. Total Time: 4,000 + hrs Total A320 PIC Time: 500 + hrs Under 53 years at ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: China | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 02:04:27
Add REF: 853 - B737-NG Captains -Korean Air

Duration: 5 years, renewable Base: Commuting Start: As soon as possible! Type: B737-NG Captains Qualifications: B737-NG Type Rating 500 PIC hours on type 2000 total PIC flying hours Last flight on type within last 24 months Aged under 56.5 years Pay Increase! Benefits package includes accommodation, medical insur ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Unspecified | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 01:37:19
Add REF 664: B777 Captains - NEW IMPROVED TERMS!

Duration: Long term Base: Various bases available worldwide Start: Flexible TREs, TRIS and Line Captains for excellent opportunity! Qualifications: - Min 500 h PIC on B777, or - Min 100 h PIC on B777 and 1000 hrs PIC total. Need to have flown B777 as PIC within the last 12 months. Can fly up to 65th birthday if ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 01:31:41
Add Ref 604: B747-400 Captains

Ref 604: B747-400 Captains Base: Various bases available worldwide Start: Flexible Can fly up until 65th birthday Applicants must be 57 or under at time of joining. - Min 500 h PIC on B744, or - Min 100 h PIC on B744 and 1000 hrs PIC total. Need to have flown on type as a PIC within the last 12 months. Qualificat ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Delhi | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 01:26:48
Add REF 664: B777 Captains - NEW IMPROVED TERMS!

Duration: Long term Base: Various bases available worldwide Start: Flexible TREs, TRIS and Line Captains for excellent opportunity! Qualifications: - Min 500 h PIC on B777, or - Min 100 h PIC on B777 and 1000 hrs PIC total. Need to have flown B777 as PIC within the last 12 months. Can fly up to 65th birthday if ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 12 December 2008 00:17:59
Add REF: 853 - B737-NG Captains -Korean Air

Duration: 5 years, renewable Base: Commuting Start: As soon as possible! Type: B737-NG Captains Qualifications: B737-NG Type Rating 500 PIC hours on type 2000 total PIC flying hours Last flight on type within last 24 months Aged under 56.5 years Pay Increase! Benefits package includes accommodation, medical insur ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Unspecified | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 27 November 2008 03:12:56
Add Ref 604: B747-400 Captains

Ref 604: B747-400 Captains Base: Various bases available worldwide Start: Flexible Can fly up until 65th birthday Applicants must be 57 or under at time of joining. - Min 500 h PIC on B744, or - Min 100 h PIC on B744 and 1000 hrs PIC total. Need to have flown on type as a PIC within the last 12 months. Qualificat ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Delhi | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 27 November 2008 02:53:25

Add REF 955: B737NG/EFIS Captains Needed

Duration: 3 years, renewable Base: Tokyo, Japan Start: ASAP Type: Great opportunity for B737NG/EFIS Captains to be a part of a reputable domestic Japanese operator. Experience: 1500hrs Total 500hrs Jet 500hrs PIC on B737NG/EFIS Under 56yrs Qualifications: B737NG/EFIS Type rated 9 consecutive days off per month. A ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Japan | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 14 November 2008 00:31:41
Add REF 664: B777 Captains - NEW IMPROVED TERMS!

Duration: Long term Base: Various bases available worldwide Start: Flexible TREs, TRIS and Line Captains for excellent opportunity! Qualifications: - Min 500 h PIC on B777, or - Min 100 h PIC on B777 and 1000 hrs PIC total. Need to have flown B777 as PIC within the last 12 months. Can fly up to 65th birthday if ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 14 November 2008 00:08:32
Add A310 Line Captains required for long term positions – candidates up to the age of 63 may apply

Our client Air India are the government owned national carrier of India. Over the past number of years they have been going through a phase of considerable expansion and as such are seeking the contract services of foreign licensed and experienced pilots. These are excellent opportunities for candidates seeking lon ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Salary: New Improved Terms and Conditions | Company: Sigmar Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 16 January 2009 17:19:58
Add B747-400 Line Captains

Our client Air India are the government owned national carrier of India. Over the past number of years they have been going through a phase of considerable expansion and as such are seeking the contract services of foreign licensed and experienced pilots. These are excellent opportunities for candidates seeking lon ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Excellent | Company: Sigmar Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 16 January 2009 17:19:51
Add B737NG Captains - Instructors - Examiners - European Assessments January 09

Sigmar Aviation on behalf of our client Air India Express are offering suitable candidates the opportunity for assessment in Europe at the end of January 09. Candidates should meet the following minimum requirements: - Hold a Current License (ICAO/JAA/FAA) - Valid B737NG type rating - Current 1st Class Medical - Re ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: India | Job Position: Contract | Company: Sigmar Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 16 January 2009 17:19:35
Add A320 Captains FC2445

Experience/ Skills: ICAO ATPL Details: -- Currently On Hold -- This position is currently on hold due to Vietnam Airlines currently placing all of their Expat Pilot Recruitment on hold as of late Nov 2008. However we do expect that the Recruitment process will be reactivated in mid February 09. If you have not alr ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Vietnam | Job Position: Contract | Salary: On Request | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 12 January 2009 16:18:31
Add A300/600 Captains (February 2009 Start)

This is an exciting short term oppurtunity to join an established airline. Attractions of the contract include a competitive salary and provision of accommodation. Qualifications: Pilot must: Hold a current and valid Airline Transport Pilots Licence and First Class Medical Certificate. Be a Citizen of an ICAO membe ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Europe | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Competitive | Company: Storm Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 23 December 2008 12:20:23
Add B747-400 Captains

Experience/ Skills: - Current on B747-400 (To have flown an actual B747-400 flight within the last 6 months) - 5000 hours total time of which 500 hours should be PIC B747-400. Must be under age 60 at end of contract Details: Parc Aviation is pleased to announce our exciting B747-400 assignment with basings in Shang ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Central | Job Position: Contract | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 23 December 2008 09:35:14
Add A320 Captains NEW China, Commutable roster Bonus scheme every year!!

Details: This is an exciting opportunity to join an expanding low cost operation based in the People's Republic of China. The base is a cosmopolitian and tourist favoured area of China. Attractions of the contract include: A roster of 6 weeks on 2 weeks off Highly competitive salary Accommodation allowance Mont ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Central | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Very competitive | Company: Storm Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 19 December 2008 09:43:31
Add B747 400 Captains, New Position, China

Details: This is an exciting opportunity to join a large cargo operator with routes in Asia, USA and Europe. Attractions of the contract include: Highly competitive monthly salary Overtime Payments Housing allowance Four (4) confirmed domestic economy class round -trip tickets within airline network End of 12, ... Job Role: Captain | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Central | Job Position: Contract | Salary: Very competitive | Company: Storm Aviation Ltd | Published Date: 19 December 2008 09:41:18

Add Ref 605: A310/A300-600 Captains

Base: Various bases available worldwide Start: Flexible but ASAP Can fly up to 65th birthday if home country license permits. - Min 500 h PIC on A310/A300-600, or - Min 100 h PIC on A310/A300-600 and 1000 hrs PIC total. Need to have flown A310/A300-600 as PIC within the last 12 months. Qualifications: A310/A300-60 ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Unspecified | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 01:29:53
Add Ref 605: A310/A300-600 Captains

Base: Various bases available worldwide Start: Flexible but ASAP Can fly up to 65th birthday if home country license permits. - Min 500 h PIC on A310/A300-600, or - Min 100 h PIC on A310/A300-600 and 1000 hrs PIC total. Need to have flown A310/A300-600 as PIC within the last 12 months. Qualifications: A310/A300-60 ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Unspecified | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 12 December 2008 00:17:08
Add Ref 605: A310/A300-600 Captains

Base: Various bases available worldwide Start: Flexible but ASAP Can fly up to 65th birthday if home country license permits. - Min 500 h PIC on A310/A300-600, or - Min 100 h PIC on A310/A300-600 and 1000 hrs PIC total. Need to have flown A310/A300-600 as PIC within the last 12 months. Qualifications: A310/A300-60 ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Unspecified | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 14 November 2008 00:07:55
Add REF 912: B777 Non type rated DEC

REF 912: B777 Non Type Rated Captains - Korean Air Duration: 5 years renewable Base: Worldwide Start: Ongoing Current B757/B767 Captains sought for direct entry command B777 positions. *Must be willing to fund own type rating if successful at a screening* ~Currently Flying B757/B767 with PIC hours on type ~Total A ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Unspecified | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 27 November 2008 02:51:41
Add REF 812: Embraer 170/190 Crews - NEW TERMS!

REF 812: Embraer 170/190 Crews - NEW TERMS! Duration: 3 year renewable contract Base: Chennai (Madras), India Start: ASAP Embraer 170/190 TREs, TRIs and Captains needed immediately! Experience: TREs: min 1000 PIC hrs on type + 4500 total hrs TRIs: min 500 PIC hrs on type + 4000 total hrs Captains: min 100 PIC hrs o ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Chennai | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 19 December 2008 02:12:27
Add REF 812: Embraer 170/190 Crews - NEW TERMS!

REF 812: Embraer 170/190 Crews - NEW TERMS! Duration: 3 year renewable contract Base: Chennai (Madras), India Start: ASAP Embraer 170/190 TREs, TRIs and Captains needed immediately! Experience: TREs: min 1000 PIC hrs on type + 4500 total hrs TRIs: min 500 PIC hrs on type + 4000 total hrs Captains: min 100 PIC hrs o ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Chennai | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 12 December 2008 00:42:23
Add REF 812: Embraer 170/190 Crews - NEW TERMS!

REF 812: Embraer 170/190 Crews - NEW TERMS! Duration: 3 year renewable contract Base: Chennai (Madras), India Start: ASAP Embraer 170/190 TREs, TRIs and Captains needed immediately! Experience: TREs: min 1000 PIC hrs on type + 4500 total hrs TRIs: min 500 PIC hrs on type + 4000 total hrs Captains: min 100 PIC hrs o ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Chennai | Job Position: Contract | Company: Rishworth Aviation | Published Date: 24 October 2008 01:29:16
Add B737Efis Capt. with B747-400 upgrade after 2 years

Experience/ Skills: ICAO, FAA,JAR Licence acceptable, Current B737 Efis command type rating Details: Parc Aviation, on behalf of our clients, require B737-3/4/500 Efis Captains for a 2 year initial contract based in Shanghai, People's Republic of China, Los Angeles, USA and Luxembourg. Interested applicants must ha ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Central | Job Position: Contract | Company: Parc Aviation | Published Date: 29 December 2008 10:12:59

Based in Asia Current Valid Type Rating required with Class One Medical. All ICAO Licenses Considered 3000 PIC time preferred 500 hours on type and must be current on type Must have the ATR 72 rating even if not flown Experienced TRI/TRE/Line Trainers/Line Captains. Good Terms and Conditions and accommodation provi ... Job Role: Flight Crew | Job Hours: Full-Time | Location: Asia | Job Position: Contract | Company: Contractair Ltd | Published Date: 17 December 2008 11:07:18
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